Sunday, March 22, 2009

ASP.Net interview questions, ASP.Net FAQs (Set 3)

Note: Every set is having 20 questions each. Please naviagate to the other set of questions by clicking the links in the "Other Questions" section on the right hand side

What tags do you need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually?
Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to false on the datagrid tag and then use Column tag and an ASP:databound tag
< runat="server" id="ManualColumnBinding" autogeneratecolumns="False"> <>

< headertext="Column1" datafield="Column1">
< headertext="Column2" datafield="Column2"> < /Columns >< /asp:DataGrid >

What does aspnet_regiis -i do ?
Aspnet_regiis.exe is The ASP.NET IIS Registration tool allows an administrator or installation program to easily update the script maps for an ASP.NET application to point to the ASP.NET ISAPI version associated with the tool. The tool can also be used to display the status of all installed versions of ASP. NET, register the ASP.NET version coupled with the tool, create client-script directories, and perform other configuration operations. When multiple versions of the .NET Framework are executing side-by-side on a single computer, the ASP.NET ISAPI version mapped to an ASP.NET application determines which version of the common language runtime is used for the application. The tool can be launched with a set of optional parameters. Option "i" Installs the version of ASP.NET associated with Aspnet_regiis.exe and updates the script maps at the IIS metabase root and below. Note that only applications that are currently mapped to an earlier version of ASP.NET are affected.

What is a PostBack?
The process in which a Web page sends data back to the same page on the server.

What is ViewState? How is it encoded? Is it encrypted? Who uses ViewState?
ViewState is the mechanism ASP.NET uses to keep track of server control state values that don't otherwise post back as part of the HTTP form. ViewState Maintains the UI State of a Page ViewState is base64-encoded. It is not encrypted but it can be encrypted by setting EnableViewStatMAC="true" & setting the machineKey validation type to 3DES. If you want to NOT maintain the ViewState, include the directive < %@ Page EnableViewState="false" % > at the top of an .aspx page or add the attribute EnableViewState="false" to any control.

What is the <> element and what two ASP.NET technologies is it used for? Configures keys to use for encryption and decryption of forms authentication cookie data and view state data, and for verification of out-of-process session state identification.There fore 2 ASP.Net technique in which it is used are Encryption/Decryption & Verification.

What three Session State providers are available in ASP.NET 1.1? What are the pros and cons of each?
ASP.NET provides three distinct ways to store session data for your application: in-process session state, out-of-process session state as a Windows service, and out-of-process session state in a SQL Server database. Each has it advantages.
1.In-process session-state modeLimitations: * When using the in-process session-state mode, session-state data is lost if aspnet_wp.exe or the application domain restarts. * If you enable Web garden mode in the <> element of the application's Web.config file, do not use in-process session-state mode. Otherwise, random data loss can occur. Advantage: * in-process session state is by far the fastest solution. If you are storing only small amounts of volatile data in session state, it is recommended that you use the in-process provider.
2. The State Server simply stores session state in memory when in out-of-proc mode. In this mode the worker process talks directly to the State Server
3. SQL mode, session states are stored in a SQL Server database and the worker process talks directly to SQL. The ASP.NET worker processes are then able to take advantage of this simple storage service by serializing and saving (using .NET serialization services) all objects within a client's Session collection at the end of each Web request Both these out-of-process solutions are useful primarily if you scale your application across multiple processors or multiple computers, or where data cannot be lost if a server or process is restarted.

What is the difference between HTTP-Post and HTTP-Get?
As their names imply, both HTTP GET and HTTP POST use HTTP as their underlying protocol. Both of these methods encode request parameters as name/value pairs in the HTTP request. The GET method creates a query string and appends it to the script's URL on the server that handles the request. The POST method creates a name/value pairs that are passed in the body of the HTTP request message.

Name and describe some HTTP Status Codes and what they express to the requesting client. When users try to access content on a server that is running Internet Information Services (IIS) through HTTP or File Transfer Protocol (FTP), IIS returns a numeric code that indicates the status of the request. This status code is recorded in the IIS log, and it may also be displayed in the Web browser or FTP client. The status code can indicate whether a particular request is successful or unsuccessful and can also reveal the exact reason why a request is unsuccessful. There are 5 groups ranging from 1xx - 5xx of http status codes exists.
101 - Switching protocols.
200 - OK. The client request has succeeded
302 - Object moved.
400 - Bad request.
500.13 - Web server is too busy.

Explain < @OutputCache% > and the usage of VaryByParam, VaryByHeader.
OutputCache is used to control the caching policies of an ASP.NET page or user control. To cache a page @OutputCache directive should be defined as follows < %@ OutputCache Duration="100" VaryByParam="none" % >
VaryByParam: A semicolon-separated list of strings used to vary the output cache. By default, these strings correspond to a query string value sent with GET method attributes, or a parameter sent using the POST method. When this attribute is set to multiple parameters, the output cache contains a different version of the requested document for each specified parameter. Possible values include none, *, and any valid query string or POST parameter name.
VaryByHeader: A semicolon-separated list of HTTP headers used to vary the output cache. When this attribute is set to multiple headers, the output cache contains a different version of the requested document for each specified header.

What is the difference between repeater over datalist and datagrid?
The Repeater class is not derived from the WebControl class, like the DataGrid and DataList. Therefore, the Repeater lacks the stylistic properties common to both the DataGrid and DataList. What this boils down to is that if you want to format the data displayed in the Repeater, you must do so in the HTML markup. The Repeater control provides the maximum amount of flexibility over the HTML produced. Whereas the DataGrid wraps the DataSource contents in an HTML <>, and the DataList wraps the contents in either an HTML <> or <> tags (depending on the DataList's RepeatLayout property), the Repeater adds absolutely no HTML content other than what you explicitly specify in the templates.While using Repeater control, If we wanted to display the employee names in a bold font we'd have to alter the "ItemTemplate" to include an HTML bold tag, Whereas with the DataGrid or DataList, we could have made the text appear in a bold font by setting the control's ItemStyle-Font-Bold property to True.The Repeater's lack of stylistic properties can drastically add to the development time metric. For example, imagine that you decide to use the Repeater to display data that needs to be bold, centered, and displayed in a particular font-face with a particular background color. While all this can be specified using a few HTML tags, these tags will quickly clutter the Repeater's templates. Such clutter makes it much harder to change the look at a later date. Along with its increased development time, the Repeater also lacks any built-in functionality to assist in supporting paging, editing, or editing of data. Due to this lack of feature-support, the Repeater scores poorly on the usability scale. However, The Repeater's performance is slightly better than that of the DataList's, and is more noticeably better than that of the DataGrid's. Following figure shows the number of requests per second the Repeater could handle versus the DataGrid and DataList

Can we handle the error and redirect to some pages using web.config?
Yes, we can do this, but to handle errors, we must know the error codes; only then we can take the user to a proper error message page, else it may confuse the user. CustomErrors Configuration section in web.config file:The default configuration is:

< mode="RemoteOnly" defaultredirect="Customerror.aspx">
< statuscode="404" redirect="Notfound.aspx">
< /customErrors >
If mode is set to Off, custom error messages will be disabled. Users will receive detailed exception error messages.If mode is set to On, custom error messages will be enabled. If mode is set to RemoteOnly, then users will receive custom errors, but users accessing the site locally will receive detailed error messages.Add an <> tag for each error you want to handle. The error tag will redirect the user to the Notfound.aspx page when the site returns the 404 (Page not found) error.
There is a page MainForm.aspx
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Put user code to initialize the page hereDim str As System.Text.StringBuilderstr.Append("hi") ' Error Line as str is not instantiatedResponse.Write(str.ToString)End Sub
< mode="On" defaultredirect="Error.aspx">' a simple redirect will take the user to Error.aspx [user defined] error file.< mode="RemoteOnly" defaultredirect="Customerror.aspx"> < statuscode="404" redirect="Notfound.aspx"> < /customErrors >'This will take the user to NotFound.aspx defined in IIS.

How do you implement Paging in .Net?
The DataGrid provides the means to display a group of records from the data source (for example, the first 10), and then navigate to the "page" containing the next 10 records, and so on through the data.
Using Ado.Net we can explicit control over the number of records returned from the data source, as well as how much data is to be cached locally in the DataSet.1.Using DataAdapter.fill method give the value of 'Maxrecords' parameter (Note: - Don't use it because query will return all records but fill the dataset based on value of 'maxrecords' parameter).2.For SQL server database, combines a WHERE clause and a ORDER BY clause with TOP predicate.3.If Data does not change often just cache records locally in DataSet and just take some records from the DataSet to display.

Can you create an app domain?
Yes, We can create user app domain by calling on of the following overload static methods of the System.AppDomain class1. Public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName)2. Public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName, Evidence securityInfo)3. Public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName, Evidence securityInfo, AppDomainSetup info)4. Public static AppDomain CreateDomain(String friendlyName, Evidence securityInfo, String appBasePath, String appRelativeSearchPath, bool shadowCopyFiles)

What are the various security methods which IIS Provides apart from .NET ?
The various security methods which IIS provides are
a) Authentication Modes

b) IP Address and Domain Name Restriction
c) DNS Lookups DNS Lookups
d) The Network ID and Subnet Mask
e) SSL

Where does the Web page belong in the .NET Framework class hierarchy?

Where do you store the information about the user’s locale?

Can you explain the difference between an ADO.NET Dataset and an ADO Recordset?
· A DataSet can represent an entire relational database in memory, complete with tables, relations, and views.
· A DataSet is designed to work without any continuing connection to the original data source.
· Data in a DataSet is bulk-loaded, rather than being loaded on demand.
· There's no concept of cursor types in a DataSet.
· DataSets have no current record pointer You can use For Each loops to move through the data.
· You can store many edits in a DataSet, and write them to the original data source in a single operation.
· Though the DataSet is universal, other objects in ADO.NET come in different versions for different data sources.

Other ASP.Net related interview questions are available at

Set 1 of ASP.Net Interview questions or Asp.Net FAQs
Set 2 of ASP.Net Interview questions or Asp.Net FAQs

New features of C# 4.0 is available at C# 4.0 FAQs or C# 4.0

Basic .Net questions are available at .Net Frame works FAQ or .Net interview question

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